What is Arts Integration?

Arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.

Arts Integration In Action

  • Science + Dance

    In this class, students are learning about sound waves through a combination of dance and music. They began with a drum-based warm-up before exploring the properties of sound waves such as amplitude and frequency. By connecting the heights of sound waves to different levels in their dance movements, the students gained a deeper understanding of this concept.

  • ELA + Music

    In Second Grade ELA, students are exploring the history of the Wild West, Pioneers, and Native Americans through music! To begin, the students made a connection between syllables and rhythm, using this knowledge to craft their own 8-beat rhythm raps based on the books they've read.

  • History + Visual Arts

    Third-grade students at the International School of Louisiana have been delving into the rich history of Louisiana by creating their own comic strips. Each comic depicts an important moment from the state's past, allowing students to develop a deeper appreciation for the unique culture and heritage of Louisiana.

Bringing the arts into core curricula raises student achievement,
improves student engagement, and creates JOYFUL learning experiences.


97% of KID smART teachers report an improvement in their students’ active engagement while learning

Arts education is particularly well-suited to combat complacent attitudes toward learning. Research finds that students enrolled in arts courses have improved attendance, and the effects are larger for students with a history of chronic absenteeism.


In New Orleans, children screen positive for post-traumatic stress disorder at three times the national average.

The arts provide opportunities for students to engage in cycles of action and reflection, which helps manage emotions in a healthier way. In a KID smART arts-integrated classroom, students choose learning paths based on their interests and curiosities, giving them room to explore and the confidence to make their own choices.


Arts integration reaches students who might not otherwise be engaged in classwork and connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world. At KID smART, our arts-integrated learning is student-centered, meaning children have autonomy over how they interact with their academic lessons. This methodology leads to increased motivation, persistence, and curiosity.


In New Orleans, 84% of students fit the Federal definition for poverty

Arts integration reaches students who might not otherwise be engaged in classwork. A 2012 report from the National Endowment for the Arts showed that a student from under-resourced neighborhoods with a high-arts educational experience significantly outperformed peers from a low-arts background. Thus closing the gap that often appears between low-SES students and their wealthier peers.

 How do we ensure every child receives an arts-rich education?

We partner with local schools through our Creative Schools program, provide arts-integrated professional development, and host community engagement events.